How to Create a Straightforward Unique Selling Proposition

This is the second article in a series about building up a consumer-goods based business. You can find the first article, and the rest of the articles in this series, here: The Lazy Entrepreneur's Guide to Building a Product-Based Business in 2023


“What makes you different from everyone else?”

It’s the question that a lot of business owners and builders aren’t prepared to answer. Heck, I have had people ask me that question about big companies I’ve worked for, and I have struggled on occasion to answer that. “Well, we do a lot of things, we…”

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The Lazy Entrepreneur's Guide to Building a Product-Based Business in 2023


There are lots of qualities that you need in order to build a successful business. Tenacity. Vision. Imagination. Execution.

I’m not sure if I have those qualities, but I am proud to say that I’m “lazy” and “cheap”. Those qualities aren’t commonly quoted amongst the #hustle crowd, but that’s what I have at my disposal, so hey-ho, here we go.

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Where to Go From Here?

A ship is safe in the harbor,

But that’s not what ships are built for.

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